El Nombre de la Asociación será la Asociación de Profesores de Español.
The general aim of the Association shall be to promote the teaching of Spanish. In furtherance of this aim, it shall
(a) Encourage and give practical help to teachers of Spanish.
(b) Encourage teachers to experiment with new techniques and methods.
(c) Promote contact and discussion among teachers of Spanish in Ireland and with teachers of Spanish in other countries.
(d) Keep the Department of Education informed about current trends in the teaching of Spanish.
1. All those engaged in the teaching of Spanish in any recognised primary, post-primary or third-level educational establishment shall be eligible for membership.
2. Other teachers of Spanish may become eligible for membership with the approval of the Committee.
3. Retired teachers of Spanish shall be eligible for honorary membership. 4. The Committee may at its discretion grant honorary membership.
No teacher of Spanish shall be entitled to the benefits of membership until the annual subscription has been paid. Any increase in the membership fee for the current school year shall be decided at the AGM.
The officers of the Association shall be a President, Vice-President, Honorary Secretary and Honorary Treasurer. No officer shall hold the same office for more than three consecutive years.
Duties of the President: The president shall preside at the AGM and at all meetings of the National Committee. The President shall have the right to represent the Association publicly. The President shall address the AGM.
Duties of the Vice-President. The Vice-President shall, in the absence of the President, perform the duties of the President.
Duties of the Honorary Secretary: The Secretary shall be responsible for the organisational activities and correspondence of the Association. Some secretarial duties may be delegated to other members of the Committee. The Secretary shall have the right to represent the Association publicly. The Secretary shall present to the AGM a report of the Association's activities during the previous year.
Duties of the Honorary Treasurer: The Treasurer shall keep a true and accurate account of all monies of the Association and shall present regular financial statements at meetings of the National Committee. The financial year for the Association shall begin with the AGM and end with the AGM of the following year. The National Committee shall decide on signatories of cheques. The Treasurer shall present a financial report to the AGM. The report shall be submitted to the two auditors (appointed by the National Committee) at least seven days before the AGM
a. The National Committee shall consist of 9 members of the Association elected at the AGM.
b. The President of the Association shall be elected at the AGM. All other officers of the Association shall be elected at the first Committee meeting after the AGM.
c. The National Committee shall meet at least 5 times a year.
d. Five members of the National Committee shall form a quorum.
e. The National Committee may co-opt 2 additional members if the necessity arises.
The Annual General Meeting of the Association shall be held at the end of the first term of the school year. Notice of the AGM shall be sent to all members at least 14 days before the meeting. All members have the right to attend. Resolutions for the AGM shall be submitted in writing to the Secretary at least 7 days in advance. Honorary members shall not be eligible to vote.
a. An Extra-Ordinary Annual General Meeting may be convened at any time by the Honorary Secretary on receipt of a written request to that effect signed by a minimum of 25 members.
b. Ten days notice of an Extra-Ordinary General Meeting shall be given to members.
The Constitution shall be amended only at the AGM, notice having been given to all members at least 14 days in advance. Such an amendment must be passed by a two-third majority of the members present and voting.