TY online resource. It might not suit everyone but FYI Señor Wooly (I believe his actual name is Jim Wooldridge) is running two weeks of free access to the pro version of his website. If you are at a loss of how to get your TYs to actually do the work you want them to, then this is a very engaging option. You may have come across some of the Señor Wooly videos such as Puedo ir al baño, Billy la bufanda, among others.
Fill in the form below to gain access.https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfF6L658bzKoLt2OkNTyXtztrBK-h-8bgnfwXCMu9FMbAUD7w/viewform?fbclid=IwAR0S1RmI6bQ0OEK79tRgKm46B5E2M-g6baNxOjcBtDvt6XhBGYG8xb9VSnI
This is his website https://www.senorwooly.com/
This is his youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/SrWooly
If you do decide to go with it, It’s recommended to also join the facebook group (Woology – Sr. Wooly Teachers) as they have quite a lot of resources you can use with it. You are, of course, also not limited to using it for TY. Have fun with it!